Your freedom lives on the other side of facing the wounds of your past.
Looking back and talk about your pain? It’s likely the last thing you’re into.
But really, the biggest reason you don’t open up about who you really are and what you’ve really been through is because you’ve spent a lifetime keeping those sensitive details hidden, believing they aren’t important.
The pain. The confusion. The “bad events.”
It’s your secrets. Secrets you’d rather forget than let see the light of day.
While you’ve hit the “delete button” in your mind and “moved on,” that history is still living inside you—unaddressed and unhealed, and its effecting your present.
So, there it sits.
Like a ticking time bomb behind all of your responsibilities, hard-working image, and charismatic spirit. A massive loose end.
While you may have been successful at keeping your distance from this part of yourself, it still creeps in and taps you on the shoulder.
Retreat Testimonial
“What I learned is to be open. To share my deepest, buried feelings. To speak my mind rather than taking things lying down. To find my voice and speak out against bad behavior and poor treatment of me. To believe in myself and get over my shame. To accept and love myself so I can accept and love others. I am a great person and deserve all good coming my way.”
Paul McFadden, Vulnerable Hero Retreat Attendee
The truth, pain, and memories wash over you and fill you with fear, anxiety, and despair. At times, it’s crippling.
And you want out. You want freedom. You want safety.
Even though it scares the crap out of you, you know you have to attack it so that you can truly move on. That’s why you’re here.
And, just know, I’ve GOT you.
Not only have I been where you are, but I’ve gotten to the other side.
I’ve liberated myself from the wounds of severe childhood abuse through the one thing so many of us fear—getting vulnerable and telling the truth.
Dropping the armor. Dropping the mask. Dropping the macho act.
It’s the only way out. It’s the only way to get free. It’s the only way to heal.
And this is where you discover how.
Meet the 5 Truths of Healing.
My signature process to help you liberate yourself from the shackles of trauma, shame, abuse, and more.
STEP 1: Face It. Don’t turn away from your trauma, pain, or abuser
STEP 2: Speak to It. Say what happened and what you want to say to that person or pain
STEP 3: Surround Yourself with Support. Experience unconditional love.
STEP 4: Release All Emotion. Scream, cry, let it out of your body.
STEP 5: Drop Your Walls. Open to receive love.
Don’t let your fear of judgement stop you from being free.
Judgement and Freedom cannot coexist. Every day we choose whether or not, we’re going to face our pain, drop our walls, and truly step through the veil towards healing or we stay stuck in fear of judgement of others and the stories they’ll say about us choosing ourselves and our freedom. It’s time for you to choose yourself and find the love you’ve been craving your entire life.